…“Packers continue to be very hard-sold on a number of key items, with prices for some steak cuts now at record levels,” Steiner reported…
…”Isso deixa os EUA com a maior vantagem para capturar participação de mercado, disse Altin Kalo, analista da Steiner Consulting Goup em Manchester, New Hampshire.”…
…”With the exception of the pandemic highs seen between May 2020 through July 2020, Steiner Consulting noted that last month’s retail beef price would be the highest on record.”…
…“It seems it was a risk-off day all across the board … It was more of a technical move and just money flow, taking some risk off the table,” said Altin Kalo, economist at Steiner Consulting Group…
…“Clearly,” Kalo says, “that price relationship was not sustainable. Over time it resulted in a reduction of processing capacity. Packers do not close plants lightly and the margin pressures during that period were significant.”…
…Imported lamb prices quoted by Steiner Consulting in their April US Lamb Market Update were steady on last year for high value racks, but figure 2 shows they have been much lower since…
…“Different from a year ago the recent spike in wholesale beef prices is not due to a drastic reduction in supply,” Altin Kalo, senior economist at Steiner Consulting Group, wrote in the Daily Livestock Report…
…”It doesn’t matter how strong beef demand is, if the packer has already covered their needs for cattle for the week and you’re a feedlot that has over-finished cattle,” he said. “you have no choice but to lower your asking prices in order to get your cattle scheduled.”…
…“The market is waiting for any sort of positive news on the cash side, and so far there has not been much,” said Altin Kalo, economist at Steiner Consulting Group…
…A hírportálnak Altin Kalo, a Steiner Consulting elemzője elmondta, a kereslet nemcsak Ázsiában nő, hanem a járványügyi korlátozások alól szabaduló Egyesült Államokban is, ahol az éttermek igényeivel és a családi grillpartikkal nem biztos, hogy lépést tud majd tartani a kínálat…