Wholesale Beef Price Roller Coaster Could Continue
The decline in the value of middle meats has had the largest impact on that price decline, says Len Steiner, Steiner Group Consulting.
The decline in the value of middle meats has had the largest impact on that price decline, says Len Steiner, Steiner Group Consulting.
…“Especially with beef prices grinding lower, the packer is not out there bidding (higher) on cattle,” Kalo said…
“I think we all agree that you should expect December, February and April hog futures limit up on Monday morning,” said Len Steiner, president of
…“This year, processing capacity has already been squeezed by COVID disruptions and labor availability and the industry can ill afford losing a big processing plant
…“We saw a fair amount of weakness. This market has been fretting post-Labor Day business for some time,” said Altin Kalo, economist with Steiner Consulting
…“The packers continue to see issues with labor availability (and) the ability to process livestock, which tends to boost the price for beef. At the
…“There’s growing concern about what happens to pork prices, as supplies start to ramp up,” said Altin Kalo…
…“Recent trends are not expected to reset long-term trends of growing the percent Prime and Choice graded beef,” says Altin Kalo…
…“Poor producer returns and drought have resulted in a significant decline in the beef cow herd,” Steiner said…
…”The Steiner Consulting Group’s weekly US imported markets update predicts July shipments from Australia to the US will be higher than the previous month, but
…“August seems like its anchored by what’s going on in the cutout,” said Altin Kalo…
…“The fact that the cut-out on beef has been drifting lower just doesn’t give the market a lot of confidence that packers will be out