LIVESTOCK-U.S. cattle and hog futures sag on technical selling
…“The market is waiting for any sort of positive news on the cash side, and so far there has not been much,” said Altin Kalo,
…“The market is waiting for any sort of positive news on the cash side, and so far there has not been much,” said Altin Kalo,
…A hírportálnak Altin Kalo, a Steiner Consulting elemzője elmondta, a kereslet nemcsak Ázsiában nő, hanem a járványügyi korlátozások alól szabaduló Egyesült Államokban is, ahol az
…Mặc dù không có năng suất cao như thịt bò của Australia, Nam Mỹ đang dần trở thành nhà cung cấp thịt bò cốt lõi
…En un reciente Informe sobre el cordero de los EE. UU. proporcionado por Steiner Consulting se señaló que las importaciones de cordero de proveedores distintos
…In the recent US Lamb Report by Steiner Consulting, MLA said it was noted that imports of lamb from suppliers other than New Zealand and
…Although not as productive as Australia, South America is slowly becoming the core supplier of beef to China, US-based food industry economic consultancy Steiner Consulting
…“While packers have paid up consistently in the cash market in recent weeks, higher wholesale pork prices and higher by-product value has helped them keep
…In the recent US Lamb Report, provided by Steiner Consulting, it was noted that imports of lamb from suppliers other than New Zealand and Australia continue
…Trade comments summarised above are reflected in the most recent weekly US imported beef market report from Steiner Consulting…
…”The demand for protein is strong,” said Altin Kalo, economist at Steiner Consulting Group. It’s people getting ready for the spring and restaurants opening up
…“You have a rebound in demand, not just in Asia but here in the U.S. and, right now, the supply is not keeping up with
…”The demand for protein is strong,” said Altin Kalo, economist at Steiner Consulting Group. It’s people getting ready for the spring and restaurants opening up